June 2020

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Are You Swimming Naked?

American business magnate, Warren Buffet said, “Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.”  When the economy is booming, we tend not to worry about our level of debt or expenditure on non-essential items. As the shock of the coronavirus wears off, it’s time to move into the planning phase and develop a clear strategy. The following checklist serves as a useful action plan   Read More

Pivot, Adapt, Survive & Even Thrive - How to Pivot Your Business

Pivoting is something business owners normally do when they sense the business needs a change of direction. The COVID-19 pandemic's arrival with little or no warning has caused most Australian businesses, both big and small, to effectively go into hibernation. The question is, could your business benefit from pivoting in the current environment?   Read More

Post Pandemic – Survival Then Revival

The coronavirus has been labelled the biggest global crisis for three generations. The economy came down 50 floors in the ‘elevator’ and it will be much slower and harder going back up via the staircase. To help your business survive and prepare for the period of regrowth we have put together this list of items to consider...    Read More

Working Remotely? The Ins and Outs of Claiming Home Office Expenses

If you are working from home, you may be able to claim a deduction for some of the expenses for your ‘office’ area... Read More

Also, don't miss our End of Financial Year Tax Planning Guide and our COVID-19 Help for Business Guide

Disclaimer: This newsletter contains general information only. No responsibility can be accepted for errors, omissions or possible misleading statements. No responsibility can be accepted for any action taken as a result of any information contained in these articles. It is not designed to be a substitute for professional advice and does not take into account your personal circumstances.